
New Face Cosmetic Acupuncture Salon
Facial acupuncture is a non-surgical alternative to reduce the signs of aging using finest smoothest needles. Facial acupuncture can reduce winkles, eliminate fine lines, lift sagging skin and improve skin color and texture. Reduction of bugs under the eyes and stress on the face.
Features of cosmetic acupuncture
Muscle contraction―Lift up sagging skin
Cell activation―Production of elastin and colllagen
Metabolism―Reduction of edema
Blood circulation-Brightness of skin
★美容鍼&小顔矯正 (90分)13800円
★★美容鍼&小顔&増毛 (110分)16800円
★Facial Acupuncture & Small Face Correction (90min) 13800 yen
★★Facial &Small Face Correction&Hair Restorung Treatment (16800yen)
Facial Acupuncture and Chiropractic of the Face

★美容鍼 (60分) 11500円
★★美容鍼&増毛 (14500円)
★ Facial Acupuncture (60min) 11500yen
★★Facial Acupuncture&Hair Restorung Treatment (14500円)
You can improve your appearance without the downtime and risks of invasive surgery and general anesthesia. New Face Cosmetic Service's scientific and holistic approach to cosmetic enhancement includes correction of current conditions, as well as maintenance and prevention of future problems.
If you’d like to prevent premature ageing or take five, seven or even ten years off your looks, without the expense of Botox and more invasive treatments, then Cosmetic Acupuncture is for you.
☆増毛・育毛・脱毛症 (40分)5800 円
☆Hair Restorung Treatment ,Alopecia (40min) 5800 yen
Improve Blood Circulation Release Stress Autonomic Imbalance

☆鍼灸治療・カイロ (70分) 8800円
☆Acupuncture Body Treatment (70min) 8800 yen
Chiropractic Moxibustion and Acupuncture Treatment for stiff neck, shoulder and low back pain

☆カッピング (30分)4800円
☆Cupping (30min) 4800 yen
Stiff Shoulder Backache Detox Constipation Skin Problems

Reservation and Inquiry
"美容鍼は初回30%OFF 8050円~"
Reservation and Inquiry(LINE. Whatsapp. Messenger)
Phone 080-7958-4683
"Facial Acupuncture is 30%off for the first time 8050YEN~"
*Appointment only*
Caprices Aoyama Bldg # 407, 3-12-7, KitaAoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(100 meters straight from OMOTESANDO station B2 exit ,same bldg with MATSUMOTO KIYOSHI drug store .Go up the stairs in front and take the elevator to the 4th floor,room 407.)
代表 寺田 正隆

Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture Specialist
Cosmetic Acupuncture has attracted considerable media attention in the last few years as celebrities around the world start using acupuncture as an alternative to invasive and painful cosmetic procedures. Just as pilates, yoga, and detox programs have gained popularity, more and more people are shifting to a natural and healthier way of well-being. We are realizing that a genuinely healthy appearance comes from the harmony of a healthy spirit, mind and body.
At New Face Cosmetic Service, we believe that a great look is not only measured by how firm and glowing your skin is. Focus on a patient's inner harmony and well-being is very important too – it’s not just about outward appearances. Our treatment approach is holistic, meaning we take our patients appearance and enhance their beauty that everyone has in their expressions, mannerisms and smiles. We do not want to eradicate all signs of age from a patient's face – instead, we celebrate that someone has reached a certain age and maturity in their life. We strive to help our patients grow mature gracefully and feel more vibrant than they ever have.
Non-Surgical Facelift
Cosmetic Acupuncture is an effective, non-surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. It is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin Japanese disposable needles into the acupuncture points on the face. This superficial insertion will increase the local circulation to the face and stimulate collagen production, which will fill out lines and give firmness to the skin for a healthy, glowing complexion.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat many conditions and illnesses. The effectiveness of acupuncture has been related to the manipulation of the energy points on the body to achieve balance and remove blockages in the meridians (channels of blood and energy) in order to promote health and to prevent disease.
If you’d like to prevent premature ageing or take five, seven or even ten years off your looks, without the expense of Botox and more invasive treatments, then Cosmetic Acupuncture is for you.
You won’t just look fabulous – you’ll feel great, with facial acupuncture being based on time-tested principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health may also benefit. Insomnia may be corrected and weight gain may be controlled. Cosmetic acupuncture is, after all, a whole-body treatment, which is important for optional collagen synthesis.
Each treatment is approximately 60 to 90 min. For optimal results, it is recommended that the patient receive 1 treatment per week for 8 to 12 weeks.
Dr. Masataka Terada(Mr.)
Past magazine publication
Operates a Facial Acupuncture Salon in Malaysia, until April. 2022.
